Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Get thee to a gym!

Alright, the photo is a little inappropriate. Watch your hands, fella! But look at her legs... and for some reason I'm really drawn to pictures where skinny girls are getting some lovin'... I guess in my head I associate the idea of love = being skinny. Bad, right? Ah well.

Apologies for my mass posting (I'm addicted, I swear), but top news! My friend signed me up to some free gym trial at the gym she goes to, as I mentioned, and I wasn't that interested, but I went along anyway, just to get out. My god! That gym! I think it's the best gym I've ever seen. Absolutely GIANT, so many different areas of working out, includes things like saunas and steam rooms... plus a massive studio covered in mirrors where people can supposedly just go in and work out casually (hello, dance practice), and masses of cardio. It's right round the corner... I was so so tempted so I phoned the mother and she said she'd go halves with me on the cost. So £10 a month? For that? That's less than a night out... I smell a bargain!

I'm massively excited to join. I think I'll get on it tomorrow. Croikey!

I think I'm not going to bother with this rigid food plan... it's hard to keep up with. I negotiated quite a lot today. Brekkie I still had the yoghurt and coffee, but for lunch I had soup and for dinner I had a cheese salad and an apple. Basically ignored my food plan, eh! Yeah, it's getting chucked.

The thing at the gym I joined involved seeing a personal trainer every now and then to check how you're doing, so today I had to fill out a questionnaire basically saying what I wanted to achieve. Naturally I put stuff like weight loss, fat loss, bla bla bla, and he looked over it then looked at me and goes "well personally I don't think you need to lose weight... but anyway - " and carried on. At the time I just chuckled a bit (while feeling massively complimented) even though it's such a lie. I mean, I'm 132 pounds of fleshy mass on a 5 ft. 4 skeleton... there's definitely weight to lose there. No question. However, it did get me wondering if they were going to set me some easy workout if they think I don't need a hardcore one... ah well, I can do what I like in there anyway.

I'M TOO EXCITED TO JOIN. Maybe if I join an amazing gym I can give up on those bloody workout DVDs for a while... I've really rinsed them as much as I can. I should mention that I used to go to an awesome gym and for a while I was ADDICTED - I'm such an exercise addict it's ridiculous. But can you imagine, when I'm back at uni, not only dance classes every day but gym sessions too? I'm definitely set for exercise!

Hooray hooray. Just had to post to convey my excitement!


  1. yay for the gym!! hope it helps bring you more fab results xx

  2. Gym it up!! Enjoy yourself :) Try some classes, they're always fun for a change and to keep you motivated. Just make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts- fainting at the gym is embarrassing and can be dangerous.
    Stay safe and strong! xxx
