Saturday, 11 September 2010


Today has been FAT DAY. You wanna know what I've eaten? Let's just say I've had fun at Greggs (a bakery). Cheese, sausage and bean pasty... YUM. And a sticky toffee muffin. Possibly the biggest pile of junk I've eaten in one go in a week. My stomach hurt like a mother after I ate. My body's making me pay!

I'm taking a day off from the gym today as my muscles are killing me... though who knows, maybe I'll get bored later and just go with my friend. If I'm not really feeling exercise, I could just use the studio to choreograph for my dance class. The mirrors in there are a godsend. Could join in a spinning class if it's going on... was talking to my housemate the other day and he said he often, er, stands to attention when on the exercise bikes - "it just feels so good!" LOL.

Sorry, TMI.

Housemate that commented about my food intake was smelling a crisp packet yesterday and remarking that it smelt really good. I smelled it (it was alright) and said I wasn't that into crisps anyway. He said "you're not into any food - you're practically anorexic". I laughed and said "if I were anorexic, I think I'd be a bit skinnier". He just murmured in agreement.

... I'll be skinnier soon.

All my housemate talk must be getting confusing... I'll give you a bit of a lowdown.

M - female housemate. Best friend. Gym bunny too, but not a healthy eater... at all. Couple of clothes sizes bigger than me, but generally quite healthy-looking.
D - male housemate. Works out a lot but eats LOADS. Put on a lot of chub in first year and hasn't shifted it yet.
L - male housemate. Serious health nut. Almost as obsessed with healthy eating as me... eats chillis just to boost his metabolism. Is practically a woman! Has a really great body. Generally a really lovely person.
Z - male housemate. The one that comments on my food intake. Fairly fit, works out too. Very chilled-out guy. Hard to get into an argument with him.
A - male housemate. Best male friend, I'd say, though I don't see him much because of the excessive amount of time he spends with his girlfriend. Probably the weediest out of my housemates - but don't tell him that.
C - male housemate. Didn't know him so well before living with him. Serious party animal. Brings back the weirdos... including HCF. Think he might even encourage him, ugh. Good bloke, but his life seems to revolve around partying.
T - male housemate. Haven't seen him in about... 4 months? He hasn't moved in yet. Bit cuddly. Not as much of an exercise nut as the rest of us are... though he's bound to join the gym when he gets back, just to fit in.

Congrats to you if you keep up with all that.

Hmm, talk about an exercisey house... I think the boys get competitive with each other, M just does it for fun, and I'm obsessed with getting skinny. I'm getting a bit tired of comments about what I eat, though (I walked into the living room with a bowl of salad yesterday and M said jokily, "you're so boring with what you eat!") so I think from now on I'm going to start eating in private.

Oh... and HotGuns is at the gym too. And I might have to be in a bikini in front of him if I ever want to use the sauna when he's there. Talk about incentive to get hot.

Today was a one-off. I don't think I'll eat anything else today seeing as I'm allowed to weigh myself tomorrow morning... eek! Wish me luck...


Q x


  1. I'm so going to need to refer back to this when I get confused later! thanks for the clarifications.
    & I'm never going to look at an exercise bike the same way again!!! Thank you hehe :)

  2. Neither am I!! I'm going to try and get him on one of the exercise bikes just for the comedy value... :)

    Q x
