Thursday, 17 March 2011


1 round of the SGD, finito. Today we're back at 200. I think I might have overeaten a bit yesterday. I was comfort-eating because I got some frustrating news. I wanted to go to Malaysia in the summer to see my family, but I found out yesterday that my exams fall right into the middle of our planned trip. Which SUCKS. I already missed out last year because of exams, and I'd HATE to miss out again. My family would be so, so upset. I'm going to speak to the English dept. today to see if I can reschedule and take my exams in August or something, along with people doing the resits. This isn't just a holiday for me - it's incredibly important I go, and I can't bear the thought of having to miss out for another year. Arghhh.

They were even gonna arrange a trip to Thailand. When would I ever have the chance/money to fly all the way to Thailand again? To go from Malaysia to Thailand is cheap as chips. They ferry across just to go to Boots, fgs. To from England to Thailand is EXPENSIVE. It's one of the most expensive holidays you can take.

I think it's unlikely that they'll let me take my exams at any other time. But it's annoying because I don't WANT to be at uni for that long. I wanted my exams to be done nice and early so I could go home nice and early. I hate the fact they're dragging out. Ugh, I feel sick.

Exercise has been pretty bad this week too. Haven't done any extra around the daily dancing. Remember I told you about my pro-dancer friend who's gotten really hot? She writes statuses like - "8am - 5pm day, absolutely exhausted - off to the gym now!" She never stops. I admire her so much. I wish it was summer, as I'd be much more inclined to go to the gym after lectures if I didn't have to walk there and back in the dark and the freezing cold. Go away, horrible March!

Feel wubbish.

Got a bar crawl tonight. First one sober. I've got the all-clear to write a piece about my teetotal efforts for the student paper (plus expand it into more of a piece about alcohol in a student lifestyle in general), so I'm enjoying looking at all from a journalistic perspective. I really want to interview some complete teetotallers to ask how their student experience is, but it's hard to find any!

Ok, plan for today. Coffee. Maybe a smoothie. That could probably be enough, tbh. I might invest in a bread roll right before I go out because last time I drank red bull on an empty stomach I had cramps all night, which sucked. Ho hum.

Catch you later,

Q x

EDIT: After publishing this post, I went to Ricky - still 9 stone 1! Yessss! Only 2 lbs away from being in the 8 stone category again! I can't wait...


  1. You can do it! avoid the booze, think of the calories?
    I gave you an award! xxx

  2. Malaysia to Thailand?! That sounds so exciting! I hope you can reschedule your exams so you can go! March isn't as warm and lovely as I thought it was going to be, I want it to go away as well! Summer, can you come sooner?! That's great your no-alcohol thing is working for and you get to write a piece on it! Did you say you're wanting to get into journalism? I forgot what you're studying :). Yay for the weight loss! You're getting close and closer to your goal weight!

  3. Wow that sounds great! I hope you can go!
    Well dine on the loss :)
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x

  4. I just nominated you for a blogger award :)
