Tuesday, 7 December 2010

The walk to uni is a dangerous adventure

No kidding. The snow's still around, so now a road we all have to walk through to get to uni has been squashed flat by millions of students' feet... meaning it is just a sheet of ice. Even walking at about 1mph clinging on to a friend's arm can't prevent you falling. I've stacked it twice now. In two days. And that's not even that bad. Oh, the bruises!

Look at this girl's stomach. Is that not the perfect stomach? Dammit, I'd kill for that.

Liquid fast has been a bit of a fail. Well, it was going GREAT yesterday. All was on track... until it got to about 5 o' clock, when I was in dance class, and my stomach started to ache with hunger. And it got worse. And before you know it, I was practically crumpled over, clutching my stomach. SUCH PHYSICAL PAIN. And it was only hunger pains! What kind of loser am I? I've never had that before. I was so desperate to make it go away I ate a cereal bar, but you know, once you've opened the gates... nom nom BINGE mm CHOCOLATE mm CRISPS. And then more cakey shit when I got home. TERRIBLE. Of course that paid off horribly, as yesterday morning I weighed myself and I was 9 stone 5, this morning I'd gone to 9 STONE 8. How incredibly depressing.

I went out last night too. It was actually quite a hilarious night. It was some media event at the uni (so the newspaper team, radio team and other stuff like tv lot all get together and have a bit of a rave) and I've got a good friend who does promotions for a lot of it, who absolutely BEGGED me to come (and bought me a ticket), and I thought, hey, I've written for the paper, I've been on one of their socials, I'll get along alright. Plus I want to get into the radio side and you know, it's all networking... did I ever mention when I did pub golf with the newspaper lot? Haha, it was full of geeky/quiet writer boys and I made a bit of an impression... I think they were half fascinated but half terrified of me. Friend who invited me along says it's because I'm a dancer. But whatever.

Anyway, I thought I was on it that night with the blokes (I didn't move to it with any of them as I'm not really into random hook-ups) but turns out I didn't know the HALF of it - Friend told a lot of them last night that I was coming and some of them I'd thought incredibly stuck up at pub golf actually turned out to be distant admirers. They'd even clubbed together and been looking through my Facebook pictures in secret. ??? They were saying things like "don't tell her I do computer science, she'll think I'm a loser!" They actually cared what I thought. NO-ONE ever cares what I think. As if I'd think anything anyway! Friend kept dragging me round to 'seduce' half of the blokes into doing stuff for her!

I know it sounds really vain, me talking about all this. But I'm not indulgent about it - I'm just confused. I NEVER get this kind of attention from so many blokes. I never get told I'm 'beautiful' or whatever. How ...??

But whatever, bit of a self-esteem boost.

On a sadder note, the other day, a friend recorded me and a couple of other girls dancing. I looked at the video (it's on my phone) and my god, I looked HORRENDOUS. Not at dancing, but in FATNESS. Talk about motivation. Whenever I cave and go to eat a lot of food, I'm going to watch that video. It's so, so disgusting. I wanted to cry when I saw it. I didn't think I was that bad.

Why do I even deserve to eat at all??

On another brighter note, I've got my laptop back! And my pictures! Yessss!

On another lesser note, I'm still waiting on my straighteners and make-up. They might turn up... eventually.

Bored of this to-and-fro. Catch you later!

Q x

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your fast didn't work out, but better to end it early than to be in that much pain. Cereal bars are addictive. I only get ones with lots of fiber in them now, so if I binge on them they end up punishing me the next day. They work like laxatives if you have too many...

    Hope your makeup and straighteners come soon!

