Sunday, 17 July 2011

Pretty girls

Facebook stalking this girl. She's so beautiful and so thin. She looks frail and delicate. And gorgeous.

SIGH. Just looking at her makes me never want to eat again. Maybe I should look at her whenever I want to binge! I wish I could post a picture of her, but it might look weird if she was to ever stumble across this blog.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't exercise at all. So does she just eat nothing?? Confusing. Her hair is so long and dark and gorgeous. Sighhhh. It doesn't help that she's full on getting love interest from this guy who is HOT. Skinny girls will aaalways get the most love. Depressing, and often denied, but TRUE AS ANYTHING.

If I had whiter teeth and was thinner, I'd be happy! And if I had smaller boobs.

I've been thinking about my diet next year, and how to alter it now I am POOR. Red meat is expensive, right? Maybe I should just give up on red meat (well, not completely, I don't think I could SURVIVE without beef) - eat it once a week or something? I dunno. I need to teach my body to adjust to only one meal a day, too. I'm thinking of making some kind of ordinary meal in the evening, put it in the fridge and eat it and splitting it off for the next day - eating a bit at 11am, maybe about 3pm and then having something like a yoghurt in the morning. Not only saving money, but cutting down my calories too! If I can't afford a gym membership any more, I have to make my calories count. Alcohol shouldn't be as much as a problem any more, as I certainly can't afford it - nor do I have the time to go out drinking as frequently as I've been doing.

I'm stalking her wearing a blue dress now. The dress isn't tight, but you can see her hip bones through it. My god!


I'm gonna do something tomorrow morning. Something that I will probably regret. I'm going to say hello to Ricky. And whatever weight I am at, I am going to have lost at least 2 lbs by the following week. Goal - 5. Yes. Small and gradual goals... the way forward!

Q x

1 comment:

  1. Omg I hate people like that so much! I can work my butt off and still look fat and girls like that just look amazing naturally :/ not fair at all :P
    Cutting down on red meat actually has health benefits too :) good idea splitting your meal :) I hope you don't stay poor for too long though!
    Lottie x
