Monday, 4 July 2011

Let's go Fast-er

Happy Independence Day my Americanos. Happy Monday, my Brit chums. Yeah, bit of a difference in celebration, eh?

Back to work and it's all crrrazy again. Had a mahoosive breakfast today to get me through it. Well, not mahoosive, but big for me - a little bowl of cereal and a bagel. I normally have one or the other but this helped me last the morning when I actually need blood sugar (as opposed to sitting around at home...)

Was reading some mags at work and they had all these 'ooh! How to lose weight without even dieting or anything!' tips and one of them was to have one fast day a month. Apparently this is just generally good for your body, so it can boost your metabolism and clear up all the gunk and all that. And people who do it supposedly lose 5lb a month or something crazy like that. So I'm def giving that a go when I get back to uni! I HATE fasting but I could do it for one day. Something where I won't need any blood sugar for the day, like a Sunday. Definitely a Sunday. The first Sunday of the month? Yeah. Gets the month off to a positive weight-loss start.

Wimbledon's ooover and I was actually gutted at first that Nadal didn't win, as I love him, but I realised afterwards it was better that Djokovic won as he'd never won before so that was like a dream day for him. I think I cried while watching it. I am crying at everything at the moment?? I cried at Beyonce's Glastonbury performance when she sang Halo. I cry at ADVERTS. I am a crier! Good and proper.

Bit embarrassing when my parents walk in and are like 'what's wrong??' and I'm in absolute floods going 'Beyonce! It's just... so emotional!'


Love as always,

Q x


  1. hahahah love it :) sometimes you just have those moments where everything is sad. like things that would never make you cry suddenly do. and fasting every now and then is actually good for you - how convenient for us! x

  2. Crying is good for the sooooul!
    So lucky you went to Glastonbury, I would have loved to go! x
