Friday, 7 January 2011


I had a horribly normal day of eating today. I guess it was after going out last night. I wasn't hungover, but post-alcohol always makes you a bit groggy and food normally helps. Sigh. This is something I'll need to push through - though it'll be much easier to do so when I'm back in the uni house and there just ISN'T food lying around that I can eat.

On that note, I'm restarting the 2 4 6 8 diet on Monday, when I'll have my diet back to myself. Until then I'm trying to restrict as much as I can. I really hope being at my uni house will help and not make me put on weight... I think the alcohol has something to do with it, but seeing as I'm only planning on going out once a week (and I'll have deliberate non-drinking nights at socials if need be, as they are quite frequent), I'm hoping it won't be as bad as it has been in the last semester.

I haven't seen the pics yet of last night, but from what I can remember, I didn't look fat! Though I was wearing this loose floaty dress so that might be why... but I pretended I had a skinny body under there! It's funny, I was looking at this one photo of myself from a weird angle, and I had strange thoughts about it. It looked like, like I had the POTENTIAL to be really tiny. I have a small bone structure and I'm cool with it. But there's just too much flabby stuff going on around it. I need to get rid of that, and I'll be petite. Ahh, I want to show you the photo! But I'm too wary of anonymity. It's a photo of me dancing, so if a dancer friend HAPPENED to stumble across this (I know how unlikely it is), they'd know straight away. Still, I might print out that picture and keep it in my purse or something, as a reminder that I HAVE THE POTENTIAL but must MAKE THE EFFORT to make it happen.

Oh, friend just stuck a few pics from last night on Facebook... well, there's no fatness going on! Allllll gooood.

I've got a new exercise plan for the gym (inspired by Ariana's). I'm hopefully gonna have Wednesdays and Fridays free this semester (well, one or the other, probably) and of course the weekends, so on said days I'll get up early and spend the day there before dance. Here is le plan!

Things to ALWAYS do:

- Light stretching (as a warm-up)
- Treadmill - interval training + jogging - minimum 20 mins (I hear you're meant to do interval training for 20 minutes ideally but I struggle with that! Maybe I sprint too fast? I'll make it up with jogging until I've got it.)
- Cross-trainer - interval training - minimum 15 mins (I find the cross-trainer sooooo boring so I've given it a lower time)
- Cycling - minimum 15 mins (ditto)
- Crunches - 20 reps x 3 (short rest inbetween)
- Push-ups + tricep push-ups - 10 reps x 3 (ditto)
- Back raises - 10 reps x 3 (double ditto)
- Plank - 10 seconds (increase weekly - trying to build it up for as long as possible!)

Things to sometimes do when you can be bothered/need to:

- Rowing machine - minimum 15 mins (I feel NOTHING from this machine, I don't feel it working me out at all no matter what technique I use or what setting I put it at, hence its only occasional use.)
- Bicep and tricep curls (if no-one's hogging the weights and I'm feeling like it!)
- Studio time (dancing and stretching - only on availability!)
- Sauna! Treat maself

All intensity/length will be increased when I get super fit and they don't feel like they're working me out any more.

Sounds alright to me!

Q x

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that sounds like an awesome exercise plan! With that sort of exercise those pounds will come off in no time! I had a horrible "normal" eating day today as well. I can't wait till uni starts back! It's so easier to restrict when spending most the day at school! Maybe cutting back on the alcohol is a wise move on your half- I hear drinking that stuff makes you really hungry but I don't know if that's true or not! That's awesome how you looked skinny in your photos (and the camera adds ten pounds too, so they say). That's neat to think about bone structure and stuff- knowing that with out body size we have the "potentional" to be thin is really encouraging! If you want to post a pic but still keep it anonymous, you could just edit the photo & crop out what you want to remain hidden!
