Sunday, 30 January 2011

Let's try that again...

Ugh, fail. All was going to plan until M came into my room and said girl mate G wanted to go out for lunch. And I could NOT think of an excuse to get out of it, though I really didn't want to go. So I went, and had to eat a disgusting amount of calories in bread and sausage and chip form, because I am too weak to resist a good menu when I'm starving! Gutted. Absolutely gutted. I then had to go and ruin things further by eating a bowl of pasta, just now, at 10 to 11 in the evening, because I am a huge fat pig and now I feel horribly bloated. I don't even LIKE pasta that much. What is wrong with me??

The 400 plan is going to commence tomorrow... SUCCESSFULLY.

Hmm, here's a pickle. Next week there's a social going on with my dance team, and we all have to bring a friend (preferably lads.) I asked A if he'd come with me and he said ok. Thing is, we have to dress up as a duo - so, like, a famous couple or a pair of animals or something like that - and we've been pondering over ideas, though people keep suggesting we go as Aladdin and Jasmine. He's Indiany-looking (his parents are from Goa) and I'm all mixed-race so we've both got dark hair and tanned skin, so people think this dress-up is perfect. I actually think it could be pretty awesome, too.

BUT. Jasmine wears a belly top! Ugh... how I can get my stomach out in public in front of lots of people where there's going to be a lot of cameras too... my midriff is HORRIBLE. Easily the worst part of my body. Yuck yuck yuck! This is the kind of costume I'd love to be able to wear:

She looks awesome! Though I doubt I'd be able to get that kind of costume together in a week. The only thing I did consider was donning the outfit (or however I can make it) and getting like, a sheer piece of fabric to go across my tummy. A bit like this (apologies for small pic):

I suppose if I got a lot of blue sheer material and just draped myself in it, I might be able to fashion something. Hmm.

Oh dear! Of all Disney princesses to look like... could be one that wears less skimpy stuff... sigh!

Q x

EDIT: Googled 'flat stomach in a week' and most people seem to recommend eating no carbs and doing a LOT of sit-ups. Might as well go for it! We'll see what happens...


  1. The jasmine costume is gorgoues!!!

  2. jasmine and aladdin are my faves :) definitely a good idea! x
