Monday, 31 January 2011

My feet are burning.

Which can only mean one thing. Dance is back! Wahooo!

Today it was a couple of hours of Tap. Absolutely EXHAUSTING. My feet and legs were bright red from the effort, and I was sweating like you wouldn't believe. That can only be a good thing... got absolutely loads of dancing planned for tomorrow (a couple of hours in the morning - that'll be generic stretching stuff, then Modern in the evening) and I'm so happy and excited about it all. Like some weird loser. Hey ho.

I've been so focused on not eating carbs that I haven't really been calorie counting today... still, all I've had is two little teeny tiny fruit yoghurts (55 calories a pop) and a cup of tomato soup. I've been out and bought myself a shitload of fruit and veg, and I'm thinking I'll get some chicken fillets and make decent chicken salad again. Does anyone know a healthy non-fat dressing?

As the product of my internet searching, I've found doing sit-ups doesn't actually do anything for your appearance (you have to be rid of the fat on your belly before they actually start to show) - I normally do them for dance to improve my core strength, but I won't get too hyped up about them. Someone also said that if you do need a carb fix, have it in the morning and make sure it's wholegrain, so I've got some wholegrain bread (the only type I eat anyway) and am thinking I'll have a slice for breakfast every other day, especially if I'm going to the gym and need energy. Saying that, I had a decent gym workout today on no food whatsoever (went when I woke up and didn't HAVE any food that wasn't carby to eat for brekkie) and it wasn't too bad, but I think some energy can't be a bad thing.

I've also heard to avoid caffeine and alcohol. So, for one week only, goodbye coffee (sob) and no drinking!

Ah, I'm excited to see how effective this'll be! If it's good, who knows, maybe carbs will be on the lowdown forever...


You know what's dumb? I keep thinking about that hot guy I saw at the party (the one from London) and hoping I'll run into him again. But, he's sort of... petite, for a guy. That sounds weird! I mean, he's a bit shorter than most guys I know. Probably around 5 ft. 8. And he just looks... there's something skinny about him, like he has small bones. Not unattractively so, no no, he's still got an awesome look. But I keep thinking, god, if I ever wanted to shack up with him, I'd have to be tiny. He looks like he should have a really petite girl to look balanced. And I've got so much POTENTIAL to be petite (my friends seem to think I am already, but they say that because I'm short and out of all my female friends have the least weight on me), but I'm not. Not really. I know a girl who I'd regard as tiny, petite, and everyone just fawns all over her. It's feminine. It subconsciously makes boys want to look after you. I want to be that girl. And when I am, I'll suit that guy. We'll look like the perfect couple. Ugh! Am I 8 stone yet?

Q x


  1. woohoo all that dance sounds magical for weight loss! how long have you been doing it? i can imagine you're pretty good :)
    as for the dressing, i always go for balsamic. it's got like 16cals per spoon or something? not sure but it's the best option i think

  2. You're not a weird loser for being excited for dance! Dance is some great stuff as I've just discovered and it's something great to be excited about! I too have heard sit-ups doesn't make your tummy smaller. Sure, they help your abs but as far as making the fat go away- only diet and cardio can do that. But, if you keep doing them, then when you lose weight you'll have some great abs and you're tummy will be much stronger too!

    I have also heard that if you workout on an empty stomach, your body uses your fat for fuel instead of any food that you've eaten before hand. However, eating a bit before working out does give you added strength and energy.

    I like skinnier guys too much not too skinny. I've seen a few guys at uni who look like they have sticks for legs and I don't think that's very attractive. I want a guy that's skinny, but who's also really fit and in shape. I want to be much smaller than any guy I'll ever be with. Hey, you keep up you're awesome work and you'll be petite soon! ♥

  3. really? I've been doing all these sit ups for nothing?? I'm glad you told me, because I've been doing 50 a night. I think now that I know I'll replace the sit ups with something else. good to change up the routine anyway.

    I can't wait to be petite either. I feel the same way. just think- pretty soon you'll get just as much attention as the petite girl you were talking about! yay!
