Saturday, 15 January 2011

BAM, 3000 words.

Or to be more precise, 2713. But it's in the 10%-either-way margin. So it is a completed essay.

Now... just 4500 words of assignments left to write! ... Well, that was a brief high.

No gym today, but my eating hasn't been too bad. Had a brioche roll for breakfast (those things are awful, I know, but taste SO GOOD), then an apple, then some branflakes for lunch (er, yeah), then another apple, then a coffee, and that's it so far. It's 10 to 9 now so I hope not to eat anything else. I'm feeling a bit weak from hunger so that's got to be a good thing on the restricting-front. Had a pretty good gym session yesterday, as well - didn't quite make it to 20 minutes on the treadmill but I was interval training for longer, and that always takes it out of me. Still no studio access. Ho hum.

In response to Ariana - yeahh I do some dance teaching, I'll try to describe it... my university has a sort-of dance school, and this year, I run it haha. So I sort out all the classes and the shows and whatnot. I also do any other necessary teaching, so when it comes to shows, I choreograph and teach opening numbers or finales. And I only started doing ballet last year! Even though I've danced since I was very little. I'm terrible at it! Hahah. At my old dance school the teacher used to hate me because every other girl in the class was ballet-trained and I wasn't, and I guess that shows. It's a good foundation dance to learn.

I read an article yesterday about how 75% of women feel guilty after eating anything, and how mad it all was. I guess it's true, but really, how do they expect us to not feel like that when the pictures accompanying the article are of beautiful model girls who are at least 2 or 3 dress sizes smaller? I might write in and say something like that. It's funny, at the end they showed a diary of a 'calorista', like we were all meant to be shocked by her calorie-counting or something, but I just thought, yeah right! She's eating loads... still 3 meals a day + snacks... hardly a 'calorista' if you ask me.

Also had another stupid article with some actress who's all, oh my weight is so healthy, it always returns to between 8 and 8 and a half stone no matter what I do really. BITCH. How do celebrities weigh so little?? Why don't I weigh that yet? I suppose they're rich... so they can afford personal trainers... and fancy chefs to cook them amazing diet food. And they have extra motivation because they're papped wherever they go, and the camera adds half a stone. And they're constantly being compared to all the other skinnies out there. Hmm... ok, fair point.

Never mind, I'll be joining them soon! With luck...

Q x

1 comment:

  1. It seems with your dancing you are really busy! You run the dance school? That is awesome :). I hate those magazines who are all like, "Oh, you should eat like 1,500 calories a day" and the girl in the margin is like a size 2 and you know she probably doesn't eat half that.

    All I've been seeing on TV lately is diet & exercise ads- and the folks that advertise those are already in fantastic shape. No doubt they stretch the truth loads. You're right, the celebrities who weigh so little have nutritionists, chefs, home gyms, and personal trainers to help them look great. I'm sure if we had all that we would be their size in no time!
